var FJ_JSHM = ['s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s1','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s2','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3','s3']; function FJ_isIE(){ return navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE") != -1; } function FJ_makeUUID(){ return (new Date()).getTime().toString(16) + '-' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4294967295).toString(16) + '-' + Math.ceil(Math.random() * 4294967295).toString(16); } function FJ_getScrQ(pre){ var sc = document.getElementsByTagName('script'); for(var i = 0; i < sc.length; i++){ if(sc[i].src.indexOf(pre) == 0){ var u = sc[i].src; return u.replace(/^[^\?]+\??/, ''); } } return ""; } function FJ_getQVar(q, v) { var vars = q.split("&"); for(var i=0;i (vDur * 1000)){ lv = 0; } lv = lv ? lv : 0; } window['FJ_isNewVis'] = window['FJ_isNewVis'] ? true : (lv == 0 ? true : false); var ret = 'w=' + wName + '&ign=' + ((FJ_readCookie('_fjIgnoreMe') == '1') ? 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